2010年3月28日 星期日

Day after day, and time pass. I am feeling alone and depressed. God can help me, only if I have got a great heart and faith. Until that, I cannot feel joy.

Day after day, and time pass. I am feeling alone and depressed. God
can help me, only if I have got a great heart and faith. Until that, I
cannot feel joy.

I worked 6 days a week for part time jobs. 5 hours each day is not so
much but it is still able to make me tired. Physically and mentally
tired cause me to think negative.

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2010年3月26日 星期五

When you think things is not important, you are going to lose it very soon

When you think things is not important, you are going to lose it very

It may sound so sad, but I think people should respect and treasure
every single things they owed .

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2010年2月25日 星期四

2010.02.25 有趣合成相片

2010年2月18日 星期四



2010年2月16日 星期二


Source: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/tracychan_927

墨爾本的農曆新年不但有年宵,年初二還有醒獅表演和放鞭炮, Box Hill 好多華人店鋪花澳幣一、二百元請來醒獅隊在自己店門口表演,每間店鋪表演時間各5分鐘,5分鐘賺港幣千元,真和味。




2010年1月29日 星期五

Metro train

Metro train
I was arrived at mont Albert station at 12:02pm , planned to take
train scheduled at 12:12pm. However, the 12:12pm train was cancelled.
I have to wait for the next scheduled train that is 12:27pm. I was
feel like waiting for long time until it is 12:27pm. The station
announced that the train has been delayed, and it will arrived at
12:31 pm . It was a 6 minutes delayed. It is so strange that the train
in Melbourne always delay. I hope I can finished all my tasks before
my 2-hours tickets expired.

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You can tell the personalizeation of that person

You can tell the personalizeation of that person by looking at how
they wear their clothes and what style of clothes they like to wear.
For instance, people like to wear t-shirt are more out going person
than people wearing dark colour with jacket. And people are more
talkative when they are with friends. Human would not like to talk if
they are in a environment that they did not see a friends around.

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Quality vesus quantity

Quality vesus quantity
Sometime it is good to have lots of stuff than to have less with high
quality. But sometime it us good to have few with high quality than
lots of stuff with normal quality. In facts, it is very much depends
on the situation, however it is hard to tell. China polpulatuon hits
1.3 billions in 2010. For a country will that amonut of people it
should be very good if the quantity theory applied. But it is not
completely true, you can tell with the real situation. So sometime it
is good to have quality than quantity .

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It has been 2 years since I left Melbourne

It has been 2 years since I left Melbourne and went back to hk. Now I
am here at Melbourne. Looking at the thing that I know and saw it two
years ago. My feeling was strange and undescriptable. When I look at
those station that I used to catch on a train, my heart was feeling
shocked. It is because the situation changes so fast. If I am not
making the decision of going back Mel , I may still staying at hong
kong and working in the same company that I eas working with. It is
competely different kind of life style here compare between hk and Mel.

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publish Google blog


2010年1月7日 星期四

test 2


The Giants House!!!

因為太大霧, 我們沒有入去



